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David's three mighty men

Jashobeam, Eleazar and Shammah become heroes.
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David's 'mighty warriors' were divided into three ranks. The highest rank was held by Jashobeam, Eleazar and Shammah. In the second rank were Abishai, Benaiah and Asahel. The third rank were known as 'The Thirty’ men and were led by Asahel. <br/>We will look at the three men who held the highest rank of these brave group of 37 warriors. – Slide 1
Jashobeam (Josheb Basshebeth), a Tahkemonite (a descendant of Korah from the tribe of Benjamin), was chief of the 'mighty three warriors'. As an officer under King David he was in charge of 24,000 men. He gained his reputation for bravery after overcoming 800 men with his spear in one battle. – Slide 2
Next in command was Eleazar son of Dodo from the tribe of Benjamin. He was one of the three warriors who were with David when they defied the Philistines who were assembled for battle at Ephes Dammim. When the men of Israel retreated, Eleazar stood his ground and fought the Philistines until his hand grew so tired that it seemed stuck to his sword. The Lord gave a great victory on that day. – Slide 3
The third of the trio of mighty men was Shammah, son of Agee, an inhabitant of the hill country of Judah. When the Philistines assembled at Lehi, where there happened to be an area of a field that was full of lentils, the army retreated before the Philistines. But Shammah made a stand in the middle of that area. He defended the lentil field to defeat the Philistines and the Lord gave them a great victory. – Slide 4
Before David became king, he and his men had created a stronghold in the Cave of Adullam. David longed for water from the well at Bethlehem, which was held by the Philistines. Without telling David, the three mighty men broke through the enemy lines to bring water from the well at Bethlehem for him to drink. David, however, refused to drink it but poured it out as an offering to God. 'Far be it for me to drink it!' he said. 'Is it not the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives?' <br/>David did not approve of his men risking their lives for his convenience. – Slide 5
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