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Moses and the ten plagues

God sends ten plagues on Egyptians.
Contributed by Frances Lee
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, German
When Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, saw how many Hebrew people were in his land he made them into slaves. They were forced to work hard for him day after day. Pharaoh then ordered that baby boys born to Hebrews must be killed. – Slide 1
One Hebrew baby, Moses, was hidden in a basket in the tall reeds by the River Nile. He was found by Pharaoh’s daughter who decided to adopt him.  Moses was brought up in the palace but later escaped out of Egypt and got a job looking after sheep in the wilderness. – Slide 2
One day Moses saw a bush that had caught fire. As he watched it kept burning and burning and would not stop burning. When Moses took a closer look, God’s voice spoke from the bush saying, ‘I have seen how My people are suffering as slaves. Go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let them go.’ – Slide 3
Moses was afraid and didn’t think that Pharaoh would listen to him. God told Moses to throw his wooden staff to the ground and it became a snake. God them told him to pick the snake up by his tail and it became a wooden staff again. But although God had shown Moses this sign to help him trust Him, Moses was still afraid. – Slide 4
God gave Moses another sign. He told him to put his hand into his cloak and when he pulled it out again his hand was white with a terrible skin disease called leprosy. When Moses put his hand back into his cloak and pulled it out again, the leprosy had gone. – Slide 5
Moses was still too afraid to go to Pharaoh and made the excuse he was not very good at speaking. So God said he should take his brother Aaron with him. – Slide 6
So Moses and Aaron travelled to Egypt and told Pharaoh that God said,’ Let my people go.’ <br/>Pharaoh did not want to lose his slaves and said, ‘No!’ – Slide 7
So God decided to send plagues on Egypt to show that He is the all powerful God. He told Aaron to hold his staff over the River Nile and all the water in the land became blood red. The fish died and the water stank. But Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 8
So God sent a plague of frogs. There were frogs jumping around everywhere. But Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 9
Next God sent lots of small insects called gnats to cover the land like dust. Even Pharaoh’s magicians knew only God had the power to do this. But Pharaoh still refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 10
So God sent a fourth plague – flies! Flies swarmed around Pharaoh’s palace and the Egyptians but not around the Hebrew slaves. But would he let the Hebrew slaves go? No. – Slide 11
So God sent a plague on the horses, donkeys camels, cattle, sheep and goats belonging to the Egyptians. But the animals belonging to the Hebrew slaves were spared. But Pharaoh still refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 12
Next God sent a plague of horrible, festering boils that broke out on the skin of people and animals. But Pharaoh still refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 13
Even when God sent the worst thunder and hailstorm Egypt had ever seen, Pharaoh would not let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 14
So God sent an east wind that brought in a plague of locusts that covered the ground and ate all the crops that were growing. <br/>But rather than obey God Pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 15
Even when God put the Egyptians in darkness for three days while the Hebrew slaves had light, Pharaoh still refused to let the Hebrew slaves go. – Slide 16
So God decided to send a last and terrible plague. At midnight the first born son of every family would die. The same would happen to cattle. But God told the Hebrews to sacrifice a lamb and paint its blood around their doors. All those living in houses covered by the blood would live. – Slide 17
That night the Angel carrying out God’s command passed over all the houses with the blood around the door. But there was weeping and wailing all over Egypt as the first born sons of all the Egyptians were found dead. <br/>At last Pharaoh knew he did not have the power to keep saying no to God. He told Moses that the Hebrew slaves could be set free. – Slide 18
The Hebrew slaves were ready and waiting to leave. The Egyptians even gave them gifts to send them on their way. So they headed off to the land God had promised to give them. – Slide 19
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