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Jesus heals a man with leprosy

Jesus touches a man with leprosy.
Contributed by LUMO project
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Arabic, Simplified Chinese
When Jesus came down from the mountainside large crowds followed Him. – Slide 1
Jesus was moving in and around the local towns. – Slide 2
There was a man suffering from leprosy all over his body. Those with leprosy had to keep away from everyone, even their family, so as not to pass on this terrible disease to them. – Slide 3
No one wanted to touch a person with leprosy. It was a contagious disease that caused discoloration and lumps on the skin and, in severe cases, disfigurement and deformities. – Slide 4
When this man heard that Jesus was nearby, he made his way to see Him. People with leprosy were meant to shout that they were ‘unclean’ to warn others to keep away. – Slide 5
The man went up to Jesus and knelt down before Him. Jesus did not move away. He begged Jesus, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’ – Slide 6
Jesus did something no-one was expecting Him to do. He reached out and touched the man with leprosy. – Slide 7
‘I am willing,’ Jesus said. ‘Be clean!’ – Slide 8
Immediately the leprosy left the man. He was healed. – Slide 9
Jesus told him not to tell anyone what had happened but go and be examined by a Jewish priest. ‘Offer the sacrifice Moses’ law requires for lepers who are healed,’ he said. ‘This will prove to everyone that you are well.’ – Slide 10
However the report of Jesus’ power spread even faster and vast crowds came to hear Him preach and to be healed of their diseases. – Slide 11
So, Jesus often withdrew from the crowds and went into the wilderness to be alone and pray. – Slide 12
Slide 13